例如:Animal Domestication
For thousands of years, humans have been able to domesticate, or tame, many large mammals that in the wild live together in herds Once tamed, these mammals are used for agricultural work and transportation. Yet some herd mammals are not easily domesticated.A good indicator of an animal’s suitability for domestication is how protective the animal is of its territory. Non-territorial animals are more easily domesticated than territorial animals because they can live close together with animals from other herds. A second indicator is that animals with a social structure, in which herd members follow a leader, are easy to domesticate, since a human can function as the “leader”
阅读中说了三个话题:有些动物不容易被驯养,动物是否容易被驯养和它的territory有关,动物是否容易被驯养和它的social structure有关。因此就阅读而言,我们可以推断出既然是动物的驯化,听力材料中一定有动物的例子,结合阅读的第一个话题,有些动物不容易被驯养,那么有些动物就容易被驯养,可以找例子,一般而言肯定是两类动物,一个容易,一个不容易。再结合阅读中第二个及第三个话题,可以揣测出是否容易被驯养和分别和这类动物的T 和S 有关,从阅读中我们可以了解到“没有T,有S”更容易被驯养,那么听力中我们要去寻找的就是作者是如何用例子阐述某类动物是“没有T,有S”或“有T,没有S”的。找到例子,结合阅读提出的概念,比较后整合成口语脱口而出。
Sample answer :
In the reading ,we know that humans tame wild and large mammals for the use of agricultural work and transportation. But it’s not an easy job to tame animals. Generally speaking, animals willing to live with others and animals following a leader are easier to be tamed.
In the lecture, the professor uses two very different examples to clarify what kind of animals are easier to be tamed. One example is horse. A male horse and several females and their youngs form a group, and they always follow the male as the leader. Also, horses don’t fight off others from entering their land. So that horses are easier to be tamed. In another example of antelopes, however, we just see quite the opposite. They will fight if they are together, and they don’t follow any leader. That’s why they are not easy to be controlled
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