1. The artist’s work pushes our civilization to a higherlevel.
改进:Artists’ work upgrades our civilization.
2. For example, you work in a big factory.
改进: Suppose you work in a big factory.
3. You’ll find you are fit for business and you can makeit your main job.
改进:You’ll find that you are cut out for business and youcan make it your career.
4. We will own nothing at all if we depend on luck.
改进: We will get nowhere if we rely on luck.
5. He will get a higher salary to improve his livinglevel.
改进: He will get a higher salary, thus improving his life.
6. Their brain is still very young.
改进: They are still immature.
7. Dissatisfaction makes people produce desire for betterthings.
改进: Dissatisfaction impels people for the better.
8. They can’t analyze clearly what is right and what iswrong.
改进: They cannot tell right from wrong.
9. It will help children to form a good habit of dealingwith time.
改进: It will help children learn to make good use of time.
10. Though it is not the best job, it afford to his life.
改进: Though it is not the best job, a job is a job. He canmake ends meet with it.
11. Since people are always not satisfied with theirpresent situation, they want further development.
改进: Since people are never satisfied with their statusquo, they want further development.
12. The only thing they need to do is to find a job whichcan easily get big money.
改进: The only thing they need to do is to find a job thatcan bring them big money.
13. They like an active life but not a peaceful life.
改进: They like an active life rather than a peaceful one.
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